Photo booth at a ball is a bare necessity!
Any ball/prom is considered to be a big social occasion with a huge appeal on appearance. People spend hours and fortunes to make themselves look absolutely perfect. And they also want to remember just how good they looked that day. That’s when Fotonaut comes in handy. And according to the interest, believe us when we say it almost feels like a necessity to have at least one at these types of events.
Recent ball/prom galleries:
Galavečer na draka / 1.3.2025
Lidový bál / 1.3.2025
VI. obecní ples města Libavá / 21.2.2025
II. ples ZŠ Mikulov / 21.2.2025
Hotel Perk – Benátský neples / 8.2.2025
1. obecní ples Babice / 8.2.2025
32. Reprezentační ples města Kladno / 7.2.2025
PBIS Winter Ball / 7.2.2025
Ples města Lysá nad Labem / 1.2.2025